Philosophical Perspectives II
Philosophy, as a way of thinking that produces concepts, tries to understand and make sense of what is happening, life, the world, and is based on critical thinking and critical looking. In philosophy, criticism takes its power from reasoning, that is, from putting a principle and thinking and the work done with this reasoning. In this context, the philosopher’s work is to look at life and the world with a critical eye, and to try to see and grasp what is happening and becoming in its entirety. Conceptual thinking thus goes with criticism. At this point, it is necessary to separe a place for language -for language as the language of philosophy. Philosophy is thinking with language, in language and through language. This language is also the language of man; the language that man speaks in existence, and in Being. In this sense, there is no special language of philosophy, language of religion, language of science and language of art. Where there is thinking and speaking, there is only “man’s language”